Discussion of "Generalized regression neural networks for evapotranspiration modelling"

D. Koutsoyiannis, Discussion of "Generalized regression neural networks for evapotranspiration modelling", Hydrological Sciences Journal, 52 (4), 832–835, 2007.



It is maintained that the so-called "artificial neural networks" despite being powerful computational tools to model complex nonlinear systems, in other cases have been abused. Their abuse has been indirectly assisted by the numerous technical details, inapproachable for the majority of scientists, and even by the exotic ANN vocabulary. By the occasion of the study being discussed, it is maintained that "artificial neural networks" may not contribute in understanding natural processes and may result in misleading conclusions.

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See also: http://dx.doi.org/10.1623/hysj.52.4.832

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