Ancient hydraulic works

Epidaurus lavatory

Use: Urban Drainage
Construction era: Hellenistic
Types: Lavatory
Operation era: Hellenistic
Location: Greece - Peloponnese - Epidaurus - Koryo's stoa
  • Antoniou, G. P., Lavatories in Ancient Greece, Water Supply, 7(1), 155-164, 2007.

Finally recent discoveries in Epidaurus, specifically at the foundations of Avaton, most probably represent one of the first equivalent stone samples of toilet seat, indeed a premature one. Finally in Epidaurus the lavatory at the east end of Kotyos’ portico could be possibly dated as one of the later buildings of this type in Greece. It has oblong ground plan and is supplied with water of natural flow coming most probably from the north-eastern baths. Most probably it was built when the portico was partly standing and the poor construction embodies stones of other collapsed buildings of the sanctuary. The elongated swallow tank in the middle, made of tiles, has a small sewerage pipe ending at the main peripheral conduit.

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