Ancient hydraulic works

Kastalia fountain

Use: Urban Water Supply
Construction era: Archaic
Types: Fountain
Operation era: Archaic, Roman
Location: Greece - Delphi

The Kastalia spring lies in a distance 750 m from the sanctuary under the canyon that divides Faidriades. The water was savory and it was used except for Pithia for the spraying of the temple of Appolona and for the expliation of the pilgrims. It was decorated with faucets and niches where statues were put and the water came out from coppery lion heads. Up to today two fountains are preserved where the water of the fountain was coming out; the archaic and sculptured into the rock roman fountain with the niches and dedicates to the nymph kastalia. The following 2 pictures show kastalia during archaic and roman period respectively.

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